Civil War!
Photo by Hasan Almasi / Unsplash

Civil War!

There's a civil war happening in this country, but it's not what you think.

For last few years conservatives online have been finding their voice and speaking out online. From the explosion of conservative networks like The Daily Wire, Louder with Crowder, and The Blaze, and free thinking commentators like Timcast, The Quartering, and Russel Brand.

Censorship from the liberal tech oligarchs forced these creators to look for new ways to reach their audience. Some created their own streaming platforms with monthly fees and others moved over to a new service that promised to uphold free speech and differing opinions.

Over the past year this new service started to make some real gains on YouTube's stronghold of the market. Conservative voices have become increasingly influential and wide known.

In the right there's always been talks of a coming civil war. That the divide between the right and left differs so much that there might need to be a break-up of how we govern and interact with each other. That is not what is happening though.

Photo by Mateusz Wacławek / Unsplash

Recently there have been seemingly petty and pointless feuds between prominent figures in this movement. First it started with Steven Crowder and The Daily Wire.

Why is Steven Crowder at war with Ben Shapiro’s company?
The Daily Wire wanted to pay Crowder $50 million. But, there were some Big Tech-related caveats.

Crowder was going to be free from his contract with The Blaze and was deciding between multiple offers and going solo. What's strange about this whole feud was that fact that the two parties seamed to be good friends. After Crowder made a video attacking The Daily Wire and released secretly recorded private phone call that seamed to be a personal call after negotiations fell through.

Both these parties have a shared interest and vision for the country and share many opinions and values. To see them publicly attacking one another is strange to say the least.

After the dust settled from this battle it seamed there was one after another of conservatives online going after one another. Tim Pool had on Eliza Bleu on his show on January 28th, 2022. She talked about being an advocate for human trafficking victims and being one herself.

Later her own story came under scrutiny and caused many people online to argue over how much or little coverage it was getting and turning different communities on the conservative side against each other.

Milo Yiannopoulos came out of exile and appeared on Timcast IRL giving a full throated support of Donald Trump and the conservative movement.

It was really a great conversation and worth your time. Interestingly though, a month after his appearance, he returned with Kanye West (Ye) and has seemly changed his message. Now he was out for revenge and spewing nonsense.

Finally, the strangest and most concerning disruption of the conservative movement and voices came under attack.

Project Veritas uses undercover journalism to expose corruption and wrongdoing from the powerful and elite in this country. They have uncovered Planned Parenthood harvesting aborted body parts and selling them on the black market to legacy media covering up the Russian hoax and Jeffery Epstein exposé.

James O'Keefe is the founder, visionary and driving force of Project Veritas. He has been under attack from the media and government since he started this work. He's been arrested by the FBI and sued many times, emerging victorious every time. On January 25th Project Veritas released their biggest story ever. They uncovered that Pfizer was mutating the Covid-19 virus in the lap to be able to create vaccines for future strands.

Only a few days after the story was released there was trouble in the organization. Strange accusations about James were leaked, and he was removed put on paid leave from the Board of Directors. What followed was the strangest unfolding of events in any company I've witnessed. James took a break from the company and accusations about stealing a sandwich from a pregnant woman and mean comments were released. It looked more and more that the Board was actively trying to remove O'Keefe, but then they released a statement.

After this statement there were rumors circling that they were about to fire O'Keefe and seemingly in response they tweeted that he was on a well deserved vacation, implying that he was coming back as CEO.

Days later it was announced that James had left the company and a video of him saying goodbye to his staff was leaked online. In it O'Keefe explained what happened and what lead to his decision.

It seems like someone on the Board of Directors lead a coup to strip O'Keefe of his powers as CEO. Why would they try to run the visionary out of his own successful company?

This seems like the civil war we've been promised but not how we expected. Why these are all happening at once is up for speculation. You can't argue the fact that this harms the conservative movement and there are many powerful people out there what would want nothing more than to make that happen.

Jason Clee

Working in the film and TV business Jason see all the craziness of the left. Time to let some of it off his chest.

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