Spiritual Revival
Photo by John Price / Unsplash

Spiritual Revival

One look around the cultural sphere, and you'll see that this country's morals and spirituality have been spiraling out of control. From music to movies to how we treat each other in society everything has begun to rot.

We need a spiritual revival to wake up this country.

Asbury College Revival 2023 - SEMINARY NOW BLOG

Above is a photo from Asbury College Revival 2023. Here students and Christians from around the world came to worship for 14 days straight. There were students present and worshiping day and night the entire time.

"We are seeing just a hunger from students and a hunger from guests and visitors whose hearts are stirred and who are desiring something greater"
- Kevin Brown

I believe he is right. One does not have to look deep into our culture to realize how there has been a rot festering.

Let's contrast this with the recent Grammys.

The elite who control pop culture in this country are pushing us to accepting vulgarity and impropriety as normal. Satanism also is a common theme, not being contempt with secular but instead actively defying God.

Women are being transformed from powerful women who want a man they can support and love, to women who devalue their bodies by sleeping around and putting it out on the internet for anyone to see for a few bucks. Even being a woman is something men seam to be better at these days.

A woman dressed as a man kneeling to a man dressed as a woman.

Men on the other hand have become weak and unable to support a family or even themselves. Masculinity has become a toxic thing that must be eliminated. This has let to men who aren't leaders of their household anymore to set that strong moral guide to the rest of the family.

Things can't keep going on like this. Women will keep putting off serious relationships and acting in a way that will insure they will stay single. No man is looking for a serious relationship with a woman who sells herself online where it will live forever.

This country is fallen far from Gods teachings. We need to take back our morals and restore our faith in God.

Jason Clee

Working in the film and TV business Jason see all the craziness of the left. Time to let some of it off his chest.

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